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" felt a bit as if a cold energy, almost a slight surge of damp electricity..."

I grew up in Belfast in the North of Ireland amid a violent war with the British army.  After bad experiences with violence, booze, depression and attempted suicide I found myself working towards recovery.  My recovery life became very important to me and I became inspired into being a very serious spiritual seeker.


Between a failed marriage, dark depressions and job injuries, I came to a point where my system was going haywire and I felt there was no answer in sight.  Damp unknown energies haunted me, explosive energies surged through me and I felt any day could be my last.  It was as if an internal war raged just beneath my skin.


This story chronicles my journey around the world in search of answers to understanding myself.  I found that I was not only in need of an exorcism entity removal but that I had experienced a very rare and powerful Kundalini awakening.  It changed everything about experiencing life and I share it to help those on a similar path to know they are not alone.  If you are on a path of awakening, which takes many forms, you are not crazy and it is not hopeless.

Take a trip around the site, check my continuing story in my blog and consider signing up for my newsletter to connect and learn more about Kundalini, healing and exploring your own spiritual awakening.  You can move forward and come to a place in life where things make sense and where the continued journey of healing can be a daily blessing. Whether it's a broken heart from a relationship that didn't workout or you feel that life's not turned out the way you wanted it to, dysfunction or what appears to be misfortune can be used as a catalyst to waken to your divine nature.

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